Things We Take For Granted in America & at Villanova
-By Mia and Bri, in no particular order
1. Target & CVS (all-inclusive stores)
2. Driving cars
3. Prolonged sunlight
4. Normal sized shrimp (they're tiny in DK)
5. Affordable coffee
6. Our pets
7. Understanding what's happening on TV & radio
8. Openness/ overt friendliness/ smiling as you walk by someone on the street
9. Eavesdropping while people watching (only possible in languages you understand)
10. Affordable nail polish
11. Sporty men
12. People wearing colorful clothing
13. Wifi/ cell phone service
14. Being in the same time zone as friends and family
15. Normal, functional toilet flushers
16. Degrees Fahrenheit
17. Living with people who clean up after themselves
18. Nature
19. "Free" gym membership
20. Sweatpants
21. American professors
22. Street signs
23. Having a job & making money
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